• Hey!


    Today, you corrected your dialogues in order to get prepared for next week final test.

    Here are the different activities you did today:


    - Apprendre tous les verbes introducteurs de dialogue --> test final

    - Lundi : FINAL TASK

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  • Hey!


    Today, you trained for your final task.

    You watched the video of below without the sound, you imagined the conversation, and performed it with your partner, and for some of you in front of the class:


    - Corriger la fiche erreurs

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  • Hey!


    Today, you studied a new video document:

    Here is what your understood:

    Tyra banks is a TV presenter and she is a former model. Kaitlin is her guest. All people are awestruck/ shocked because Kaitlin is engaged at 15. She will get married with her boyfriend Ryan who is 18, and who used to be Kaitlin's sister's boyfriend.They play Sponge Bob together, so they are immature. Kaitlin's mum doesn't want her to get married : she is mad at her.

    Written by Diana.



    - DM dialogue à mettre demain dans mon casier

    - Lesson

    - Final Test: 6/04

    - Final Task: 4/04

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  • Hey!


    Today, you corrected your homework.


    Then, you studied how to write a dialogue in English.




    - Final Test: 6/04

    - Final Task: 4/04

    - DM à rendre jeudi (dans le casier): on their way to the cinema, Vivian and Joey talked about Vivian's parents. Imagine their conversation. (150-200 words)

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  • Hey!


    First, you told Vivian's story, thanks to the text:

    Then, in pairs, you focused on the attitude of each character:



    - Apprendre les adjectifs nouveaux

    - Explain their attitude: WHY? (Ex: Vivian is excited because...)

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