• Hey!


    First, you talked about your stereotypical vision of the American man.

    Definition of a Stereotype

    Then,  you defined what a stereotype is. You completed your definition thanks to the text below:


    Here is your complete definition:

    Written by



    - Lesson: Definition of a stereotype

    - Apprendre le vocabulaire nouveau

    - Prove the stereotype about obese Americans is wrong using precise elements / facts on the websites below:





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  • Hey!


    Today, you first draw your representation of the American man and you presented it in front of the class.

    Unit 2: Racial Stereotypes

    Here is what you said:

    Written by



    - Lesson: What is your vision of the stereotypical American man?

    - Define the word stereotype.

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  • Hey!


    Today the last groups presented their ads and you voted for the most efficient one.


    Then, you did the correction of the final test. Hope it helped!

    Final Test Correction


    A few remarks for future tests:

    - ALL the answers are in the text

    - Quotes: if you don't understand the syntax of the sentence, copy the whole sentence and underline the key words.


    Here is the correction:



    Examples of campaigns:

    - 'Friends don't let firends drive drunk' targets the firends of drunk people. It intends to make friends prevent their drunk friends from driving. It was efficient because 70% if friends were convinced by the ad.

    - The soap campaign targets Ghanaians in order to make  them wash their hands more regularly. It works because 41% more people washed their hands after the campaign.

    - 'I love NY' targets businesses and industries. It intends to promote the city of NY.


    Adevrtising is used to:

    - to sensitize people

    - to recruit people

    - to attract donations

    - to promote activities

    Advertising is a weapon because it influences people, it changes people's attitudes.

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  • Hey!


    Today, you presented your final tasks to the class.

    Final Tasks

    Here is the listening activity:

    - Listen to the presentations and check if they are complete- Use the grid to take notes:

    - Ask questions to complete your grid.

    - Which ad is the most efficient? Why?



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  • Hey!

    Today was your final test on advertising, hope you did well!



    - Final Task: fiche barème à ramener

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