• Hey!


    Today, you presented your unusual sport.

    Here are some examples:

    To be continued..

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  • Hey!


    Today, you presented your unusual sport.

    Here are some examples:

    To be continued...

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  • Hey!


    Today, you proposed various catchphrases for the Ikea ad in order to deduce the ingredients of an efficient ctachphrase:

    The catchphrase has to: 

    -be short

    -be funny

    -contain a pun

    -fit with the commercial

    -contain rhymes

    Written by Joana.


    Then, you studied a new document.

    Here is what you said about it:

    The object is a rubber bracelet / wristband: the name is Power Balance. There is a small hologram and it costs £30.Thanks to it, athletes can run faster and jump higher.

    Written by Joana.


    Hw: Pour lundi 7/12

    - Lesson

    - What about the other benefits? (use the expressions seen in class) : à faire à l'écrit.

    - Final Test CE: 14/12

    - Final Task: 9/12 -->PDF à envoyer au plus tard le 4/12

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  • Hey!


    Today, you first refreshed your memory about the Ikea ad thanks to your notes.

    Then, you exchanged information about the two other ads.





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  • Hey!


    Today, you did the recap of last time lesson:

    1) What are the steps to conduct a roomate interview?

    2) Define speedflatmating.


    Then, you listed the various advantages of speedflatmating as opposed to traditionnal flathunting. Then, you completed your list thanks to the text:

    Here are the ones you found the most important:

    Advantages of speedflatmating 

    Speedflatmating is the most efficient way to find a room because :

    -it's quick: you don't waste time.

    -you meet many people in a short time : you have many possibilities.

    -you can see the people face-to-face.

    -you can pick/choose the person you want to talk to. If he is annoying, you can switch.

    Written by Aurélie


    Then, you speedflatmated! Fortunately now, everybody has a house!


    Here are complementary documents about speedflatmating (click on the pictures to read / watch the different documents):





    - Lesson: promote speedflatmaing

    - Final Test: 11/12

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