• Hey!


    Today, you first corrected your homework:

    Here is what you said about the origins and consequences of stereotypes:

     Some people think they are superior to others. What's more, they are scared by differences between different groups of people : the "Fear of the Unknown" can lead to xenophobia and racism. People who have stereotypes make people responsible for problems / blame people for their problems so they are scapegoats.

    Written by Mélanie


    Then, you started working on the last document of the unit.

    First you rephrased the title and tried to answer the question:

    'How Hollywood stereotyped Native Americans' --> How did White Americans represent / portray 'Indians' in movies?



    - Lesson

    - Final Task: Document PDF à envoyer au plus tard le 1/02

    2 commentaires
  • Hey!


    You first told the story of the Subway Guy Jared Fogel and explained what solution he found to lose weight.


    Then, in groups, you trained for your final task:

    Group 1: You presented and described the document.

    Group 2: You analysed the document


    To be remembered for the final task:

    - Explain / reformulate the caption and the catchphrase.

    Ex: Kids are in danger and may die if they keep drinking sugary drinks. To protect them from obesity and diabetes, parents have to give them water instead of sodas.

    - Use BE+ V-ING when describing a picture:

    Ex: The girl is drowning

    - Revise the prepositions:

    Ex: IN the bottom right-hand corner



    - Réviser la tâche intermédiaire pour préparer la tâche finale.

    votre commentaire
  • Hey!


    You first told the story of the Subway Guy Jared Fogel and explained what solution he found to lose weight.


    Then, in groups, you trained for your final task:

    Group 1: You presented and described the document.

    Group 2: You analysed the document


    To be remembered for the final task:

    - Explain / reformulate the caption and the catchphrase.

    Ex: Kids are in danger and may die if they keep drinking sugary drinks. To protect them from obesity and diabetes, parents have to give them water instead of sodas.

    - Use BE+ V-ING when describing a picture:

    Ex: The girl is drowning

    - Revise the prepositions:

    Ex: IN the bottom right-hand corner



    - Réviser la tâche intermédiaire pour préparer la tâche finale.

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  • Hey!


    Today, you started with a vocabulary and grammar test.


    Then, you focused on the origins and consequences of stereotypes:

    Here is what you said:

    Written by



    - Lesson: Why are stereotypes humiliating?

    CHANGEMENT DATE TEST FINAL: 3/02 et non le 10/02


    - Revoir les procédés linguistiques (linguistic devices)

    - Relire les textes étudiés en classe

    - Revoir tout le vocabulaire de la séquence

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  • Hey!


    Today, you studied a new example of society and explained what makes it so particular:

    Here is what you said about it:

    The text deals with a future society in London where people don't use money. It's about a conversation between a boatman and the narrator who wants to pay the waterman for his service which consists in carrying him accross the Thames. However, the boatman is puzzled/bewildered because he doesn't know how to manage money. Moreover, money is a source of trouble. So, it's a cultural misunderstanding.

    Thirteen years later, we still use money, so, the future society of 2003 is a utopia.

    Written by Margaux



    - Lesson: Tell about this utopian society: would you live there? Why? Why not?

    - Final Test: 10/02

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