• Hey!


    First, you presented the people on the pictures:

    Written by


    Then, you started, as detectives, your first murder case with the crime scene below:

    Here is your police report:

    Written by



    You are a detective:

    - Tell about your police report (lesson)

    - You are going to interview the suspects / witnesses: prepare questions

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  • Hey!


    Today, you started a new unit, you first identified the people on the pictures and found the connection between them.

    However, some faces were unknown to you, so you read different texts to know more about them.

    Here is what you said:

    All the people are related to murder/crime.
    There are fictionnal characters like Jane Marple, Sherlock Holmes and Hercul Poirot who are detectives.

    Written by Kadidiatou



    - Rendre par écrit la fin de la leçon

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  • Hey!


    You did your oral comprehension test about Junk food and Obesity.

    Final Test

    Here is what you said about it:

    In America, everything is bigger like cars, houses, companies, food, and people.

    That’s why, it is the fattest nation in the world: one million American people are obese or overweight.

    One out of 4 people in Mississippi is obese: it’s the third fattest state in America.

    When the man was a kid in Virginia, his mum was cooking all the time while now families eat in fast food restaurants

    Written by Florian

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  • Hey!


    Today, you finished the presentations of your final tasks.


    Then, you chose the most efficient ad and justified your choice. To finihsh, you voted for the most convincing ad: Paolo won the contest!



    To finish, we made some comments about the form and content of the presentations and you did the activities below:



    - Final Test: oral comprehension

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  • Hey!


    Today, you presented your awareness campaigns in front of the class.

    Final Task

    Here is the listening grid:


    To be continued tomorrow...

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