• Hey!


    Today, our expert, Marie, spoke about gun regulations in the US.

    Then, thanks to the video, you focused on Michigan.

    Here is what you said about it:

    Michigan is a shall-issue state because :

    -the man doesn't need a good cause to bear a gun.

    -he has to take a test (background check). It consists in filling in/completing a form : he mentions his race and that he's not mentally defective.

    Gun regulations aren't efficient because :

    -nobody can prove he says the truth.

    -it's too easy to get a gun: he gets a free gun after he opened an account.

    -there is no police control : a bank clerk gives the gun.

    Written by Quentin


    You will have to write a letter for your final task, so let's see some examples!

    Hw: Pour mardi 17

    - Entraînement à l'épreuve de compréhension orale.

    - Intermediate task: You are part of an association against gun bearing; write a letter to the bank to tell about your reaction after you saw the video (150 words - write very two lines)

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  • Hey!


    After a short recap, you focused on 'Right-to-carry laws' concerning gun bearing in the US.


    Here is what you said:

    Right-to-carry Laws: regulations / restrictions
    Shall issue states: You can bear a concealed / hidden gun with a license but there is no control. You must pay a fee / must take a test / prove you're not a criminal (Background check).
    May issue states: You must have a good cause to bear a hidden gun.
    No issue states: Americans are forbidden to / are prohibited to / are not allowed to bear weapons.

    Written by Lucas.


    Then, you watched a video document to identify:

    - The name of the State?

    - Shall-issue / May-issue / No-issue state?

    - Why? Pick out elements to justify your answer.



    - Recap :Right-to-carry laws

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  • Hey!


    First of all, I presented the different exams for the bac (oral and written). Here is the slideshow to recap what we've said:


    Then, you started studying the first document of the unit:


    Here is what you said:

    This black and white cartoon depicts / shows a teacher asking children what the letters USA stand for / mean.
    The expected answer is United States of America, but a child says unlimited semi-automatics due to the fact that in the USA, we can bear / carry a weapon legally.
    However, in some states, we need a license.
    Guns are part of the American history and culture because the 2nd Amendment allows gun bearing.

    Written by Houda



    - Recap: You are the artist, speak about your cartoon (PPC notée)

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