• Hey!

    Today, you performed your arguments in front of the class!

    Here is your assessment sheet:


    To be finished..

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  • Hey!


    Today, you first prepared your final task:

    - Debate tips

    - Final Task instructions

    - Reaction cards


    Then, you studied a last document about genetic selection entitled Gendercide.

    Here is what you understood:

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    - Write the recap of your lesson thanks to your notes.

    - Revoir toutes les expressions de l'opinion / accord / désaccord / Gap Fillers

    - Final Test Essay: 13 avril

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  • Hey!


    Today, you did the recap of all the necessary elements to solve your case.

    Then, you watched what really happened and you drew your conclusions:

    The perfect murder

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    - Lesson: what makes it a perfect crime?

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  • Hey!


    Today, you did the recap of all the necessary elements to solve your case.

    Then, thanks to the video document, you drew your conclusions:

    The perfect murder

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    To finish, you found dramatic irony in the text:

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    - Lesson: what makes it a perfect crime?


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