• Hey!


    Today, after a vocabulary test, you listed all the ingredients for an efficient interview:

    Here is what you said:

    The steps for an efficient interview are:
    1) You have to ask questions to make a final decision/ to know if we can stand the prospective flatmates.
    2) You must tell them the rules / the limits.
    3) You have to find a venue / place: either you meet the person with a friend at your place or in a public place because it's safer/ if you don't want him to know where you live.

    Written by Mélanie


    Here are the instructions for your final task:

    Then, you focused on the form of the interview:



    - Lesson: Ingredients for an interview? (tutorial)

    - Recap à l'écrit sur feuille: Define Speedflatmating.

    - Final Task: à rendre au plus tard le 16/12

    - Prepare the interview: Worksheet

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  • Hey!


    Today, you told Yanis and Kadidiatou about your assumptions concerning Egg Throwing.

    Egg Throwing (2)


    Then, you watched the video to check your suppositions.

    Here is what you learnt about this sport:

    Egg throwing consists in throwing raw eggs.
    The objective is to catch the egg  without breaking it /but you mustn't break it.
    Teams must be composed of two people.
    Egg throwing is an English sport :in the past, to get their meal on the other side of the river, people threw eggs across the river .

    Written by Halimatou



    - Lesson: Egg Throwing

    - Final Task: 30/11

    - Final Test: 27/11

    - Vocabulary activity: Sports


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  • Hey!


    Today, you read the instructions for your final task:

    Then, you corrected your homework:

    You studied a last example of unusual sport: Egg Throwing

    Here is what you learnt about this sport:

    Egg throwing consist in throwing raw eggs to you partner.The objective is to catch the egg without breaking it.Teams must be composed of two people.This sport comes from England: many certuries ago ,peuple threw eggs across the river to get heir meal on the other side.

    Written by Nuno



    - Lesson: Egg Throwing

    - Final Task: 30/11

    - Final Test: 27/11

    - Vocabulary activity: Sports


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  • Hey!

    Today, you worked on methodology: you focused on the techniques to understand a video / an audio document better:

    Then, you did an activity about the historical origins of gun bearing in the USA:


    - Lesson: Why are guns part of the American history? Justify with examples.

    - Make searches:

    1) What is the 2nd Amendment? Explain it in your own words.

    2) What is the NRA?

    - Bien relire la méthodologie à la compréhension orale.


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  • Hey!


    Today, you first started with the lesson. Then, you finished the recap. Here is what you said:

    Every child recognizes R. McDonald: he is the mascot of the fast food chain. Children see him on TV, in commercials.
    None of them/Nobody recognizes Jesus: one of them makes a mistake, he says he is G. Bush.
    One of them recognizes Wendy: she is the mascot of a famous fast food chain/the third fast food chain in the U.S.A.
    Therefore/As a consequence, every American child recognizes R. McDonald because they see him in commercials.

    Written by Chloé.


    None of them recognized Jesus. One of them thought he was Georges Bush.

    Only one of them identifies Wendy who is the mascot of a fast food restaurant.

    All children recognize Ronald because they saw him in TV commercials.

    Consequently, he wants to prove that Mc Do is on TV, in commercials (= everywhere).

    Written by Mélanie


    As a conclusion to this document, you talked about Mc Do strategies to attract children.

    Here are the strategies you mentioned:

     Mc Donalds has many other strategies to attract children:            

    * in the restaurants, there are playgrounds.         

    * they offer a free toy in happy meals.          

    * you can celebrate your birthday in Mc Donalds.         

     *they use a funny and cute mascot.

    Thus, children are gullible /naive/easy to influence/easy targets.

    Written by Manon.


    To finish, you corrected the methodology activity:



    - Lesson: McDo strategies

    - Revoir tout le vocabulaire nouveau du chapitre.

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