• Hey!


    Yesterday, since the rest of the class was taking their German oral exam, you worked on interview questions about the three notions you will present for your oral exam.

    Get prepared for the interview

    Here they are:

    Gun bearing in the US

    1) Do you think gun restrictions are efficient?

    2) How could we improve gun bearing restrictions?

    3) How could we train teachers to be able to defend students?

    4) Do you think you are safe with a gun?

    5) Do you think gun bearing is morally acceptable?

    6) Do you think the background check / filling in a form is strict enough?

    7) Why are Americans so attached to guns?

    8) Do you think that gun bearing increases the number of massacres in the US?

    9) According to you, what are the solutions to fight against school shootings?

    10) Should we allow gun bearing in France?

    11) Is gun bearing efficient to defend ourselves against terrorism?


    Stolen Generations

    1) Do you think assimilation could be as successful as integration?

    2) What is the difference between assimilation and integration?

    3) Would you be ready for a cultural exchange in a foreign country?

    4) What do you know about the present life of the Aborigines?

    5) Do you think the Stolen Generations should forgive Australia?

    6) What can the Australian do now to integrate better Aborigines?


    Genetic selection

    1) If you were parents, would you use genetic manipulation?

    2) Do you think it is acceptable to choose your future baby?

    3) Do you think parents will be reasonable enough not to use genetic selection for superficial reasons?

    4) Would you like a job in relation to progress? Why? Why not?

    5) Do you think scientific progress is going too far?

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  • Hey!


    Today, after you compared the two stories of the Three Little Pigs, you looked for other differences between the two versions.

    You completed your methodology worksheet 'How to twist a fairy tale?'


    Then, you picked all the techniques used to twist a fairy tale in the video below:

    Here is what you said:

    Shrek is a twisted fairy tale because there is a mixing-up tale with Robin Hood. Moreover, there is humour : for example, Robin Hood has a strong French accent and Fiona didn't behave as a princess because she burped.
    There are also exaggerations and ridicule when Fiona knocked Robin Hood down.
    Roles are switched because Fiona saved Shrek.
    Furthermore, it's a parody of Matrix and there is an anachronism with the phone.

    Written by Chloé


    Here are the instructions for your intermediate task:

    To finish, you started studying a new fairy tale:

    Here are the main elements:

    The story is about a king who wanted his daughter to get married. Five princes / suitors came to offer presents / gifts in order to  /so as to seduce / propose to the princess who had to choose the gift she liked the most and marry the prince who had brought it.

    Written by Mélanie



    - Lesson: The Princess and the Tin Box

    - Intermediate Task: à remettre dans mon casier MARDI 17 MATIN AVANT MIDI IMPERATIVEMENT!!!

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  • Hey!


    Today, you first corrected your homework:

    Then, you interviewed Renata to know more about her personal story. As a conclusion, you discussed about the potential creation of a foundation like the Little Baby Face Foundation.

    Here are your reactions:

    Written by


    To finish, you studied the composition of a formal letter:



    Pour demain: Lesson

    Pour vendredi:

    - FINAL TEST:compréhension écrite (revoir tous les documents + le vocabulaire nouveau)

    - Rendre la tâche intermédiaire: You are Renata, write a letter to the surgeon to convince him to fix your nose (150 words)

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  • Hey!


    Today, you first corrected your homework:

    Then, you interviewed Renata to know more about her personal story. As a conclusion, you discussed about the potential creation of a foundation like the Little Baby Face Foundation.

    Here are your reactions:

    The class is against the creation of the Litle Baby Face Foundation in France because kids are too young and can regret later. Besides, hang-ups are not physical but psychological problems,so they need a psychologicalist. Morever, their faces will probaly change.  

    Written by Chéïma


    To finish, you studied the composition of a formal letter:



    Pour demain: Lesson

    Pour vendredi:

    - FINAL TEST:compréhension écrite (revoir tous les documents + le vocabulaire nouveau)

    - Rendre la tâche intermédiaire: You are Renata, write a letter to the surgeon to convince him to fix your nose (150 words)

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  • Hey!


    Today, you did various activities to train for your final task:

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