• Hey!


    Today, you first talked about the cause for obesity in the document and Tom Littletown's arguments.

    Here is what you said:


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    Then, you focused on the solutions he proposed:
    Tom Littletown wrote a letter to the British prime minister David Cameron to talk about the problem of obesity and to give advice / solutions to stop it.
    People need to eat less.
    Besides, the governement must be honest / mustn't lie.
    People need nutrition information on the packaging to know what food is composed of.

    Written by Mathis



    - Lessons: solutions?

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  • Hey!


    First of all, you used your activity worksheet to talk about the consequences of obesity:

    Then, you focused on the causes.

    Among your propositions, you selected the one / those which are defended in the text below and the given arguments:

    Here is what you found:

    Written by



    - Lesson: Tell about the causes of obesity

    - Compléter les fiches lexicales

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  • Hey!


    Today, you started with a warm up.

    Then, you talked about the video document you had studied in class before the holidays. You concluded saying that when growing up, the children may become obese, that's why you studied the dangers of obesity thanks to the text below:


    Here is what you said:

    Written by



    - Fiche lexicale à compléter

    - Lesson: + use the worksheet to talk about the consequences

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  • Hey!


    Today, you started with a short vocabulary test.

    Then, you studied the video document below:

    Here is what you said about it:

    The children don't know what vegetables are: I can see a beetroot, but instead  they say onion. So,the risk for children is to beome obese.

    Even if  Jamie Oliver is British, the scene takes place in America because there is the American flag.

    Written by Anaïs.



    - You are Jamie Oliver: tell about your experiment.

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  • Hey!

    Today, you started with the warm up:



    Then, you recited your lesson: describe and tell the message of the cartoon:


    You also corrected your homework:


    Here are the sentences you made:

    Written by


    Then, you played a game: were you able to identify some fruit and vegetables?

    Here is your worksheet:



    - Apprendre TOUT le vocabulaire par coeur! + compléter les fiches lexicales

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