• Hey!

    Today was your final test about Aborigenes. Hope you did well!

    Final Test

    Here is what you understood:

    The Aboriginal Life

    Because of alcohism and violence, Aboriginal people have a shorter life expectancy than white Australians. The Australian government made a report about child abuse and suffering in the Aboriginal community. As a result , they declared National emergency. They send the army to protect the children, to break the cycle of violence and to stop alcoholism.

    Written by Rebecca.



    - Pas cours mardi prochain

    - Rendre la question de synthèse demain

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  • Hey!


    Today, after you talked about the living conditions of the Stolen Generations but also about the consequences of their removal, you analysed an Aboriginal painting:

    Here is the real meaning of this painting:

    Here is the analysis:
    The maze represents the life of a half-caste child / the different obstacles the child went through like drugs, alcohol, suicide, prison. The child has to find his way out to go back to his Aboriginal family. As a result, the house stands for a new hope.

    Dead end ≠ way out

    Written by Jeanne.



    - Lesson: Painting

    - Has assimilation been successful? --> Prove your answer with precise examples taken from the documents studied in class.

    - Final Test Oral Comprehension next wednesday

    - Audio recording about Genetic Selection: time limit tonight

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  • Hey!


    Today, you used the text below to refresh your memory about the Stolen Generations.

    Then, you re-read it and picked the new elements about them.

    Here is what you understood:

    Stolen generation where physically and sexually abused /suffered from physical and sexual abuse /were mistreated and raped.
    Moreover, they were exploited like slaves. Besides , they were fooled by their families who lied to them, telling their parents were dead. As a result, their lives were shattered because they became alcoholic, homeless and violent and they lost their identity.

    Written by Dylan.





    - Lesson

    - Date limite envoi fichier audio demain

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  • Hey!


    Today, you corrected your final tests and tasks in order to prepare your oral presentation on Genetic Selection.

    Here is the audio file for pronunciation:



    - Date limite envoi du fichier audio / vidéo: 31/03

    Pour le 30/03:

    - Rendre la question de synthèse (bac blanc) sur feuille.

    - Lesson: Who were the Stolen Generations?

    - What is the difference between integration and assimilation? Explain in your own words.

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  • Hey!


    Today, you did a brainstorming about Stolen Generations.

    Stolen Generations

    Then, you watched a video to know more about them.

    Here is what you understood:

    The Stolen Generations are mixed-race / half-caste children who were taken away from their parents by White British settlers in the 19th century. They were trained/were educated to convert to christianity, to become servants in order to die out the Aborigines' culture / Aboriginal culture /to assimilate them /to absorb them in the White culture.

    Written by Dylan.



    - Lesson

    - Explain the difference between integration and assimilation


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