• Hey!


    First of all, you talked about the consequences of obesity on health.

    Then, you corrected your homework: the consequences are not only dangerous for health but also but social life.

    Here is what you said:

    Obesity has consequences on social life because people bully / mock / laugh at obese children.

    Moreover, overweight children are not self-confident / have low self-esteem.

    Obese children have more difficulties at school

    Written by Aïcha


    Then, you focused on the causes of obesity.

    Here are the ones you listed:

    Obese people don't exercise / don’t practice sport.

    They eat junk food rather than vegetables. Besides, overweight people prefer drinking sodas because it's cheaper / less expensive than fruit juice.

    Written by Aïcha



    - Lesson: Tell about the causes of obesity

    - Compléter les fiches lexicales

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  • Hey!


    First of all, you used your activity worksheet to talk about the consequences of obesity:

    Then, you focused on the causes.

    Among your propositions, you selected the one / those which are defended in the text below and the given arguments:

    Here is what you found:

    Written by



    - Lesson: Tell about the causes of obesity

    - Compléter les fiches lexicales

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  • Hey!


    Today, you first draw your representation of the American man and you presented it in front of the class.

    Unit 2: Racial Stereotypes

    Here is what you said:

    Written by



    - Lesson: What is your vision of the stereotypical American man?

    - Define the word stereotype.

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  • Hey!


    Today, you first draw your representation of the American man and you presented it in front of the class.

    Unit 2: Racial Stereotypes

    Here is what you said:

    Some people think that the American man is overweight.
    The American man..
    -is seen as someone obese / plump / chubby.
    -is said to bear guns.
    -is believed to be patriotic / be fashionable.
    -is thought to wear casual outfits.

    Written by Linda.


    Then, you deduced this vision was sterotypical and you defined what a stereotype is. You completed your definition thanks to the text below:


    Here is your complete definition:

    A stereotype is an inaccurate / erroneous / ill-founded idea about a group of people.
    A cliché is unverifiable because we can't check it. Moreover, a prejudice is a distorted / deformed image.
    A stereotype is also fixed / engraved because it will never change.

    Written by Linda.



    - Lesson: People's vision of the American man + definition of a stereotype

    - Deconstruct the American stereotypes: choose one aspect and prove it is wrong (make searches - facts and figures)

    - Commencer la fiche lexicale: 'Racial Stereotypes'

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  • Hey!


    Today, you started with a warm up.

    Then, you talked about the video document you had studied in class before the holidays. You concluded saying that when growing up, the children may become obese, that's why you studied the dangers of obesity on health thanks to the text below:


    Here is what you said:

    You can have a heart attack and breathing problems.
    Moreover, you can't walk fast and you can have diabetes (sugar in blood).
    Obesity is not only dangerous for health but also for social life.

    Written by Inès.



    - Fiche lexicale à compléter

    - Lesson

    - Prove with 2 precise examples from the text that obesity is also dangerous for social life


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