• Hey!


    Today, you finished the correction of your activity on articles.

    Then, you worked on the stress of loan words:


    To finish, thanks to the title, you imagined what the next document will be about.



    - A Year in the Merde: prepare the recap from your notes.

    - Apprendre les règles d'accentuation des emprunts + règles sur les articles.

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  • Hey!


    Today, you started the unit with the document below:

    Then, you focused on the progress of in-vitro fertilization thanks to the following text:

    Here is what you said about it:

      This document is the cover / the frontpage of a newspaper which was published in 1978. The headline is “Superbabe”. Louise Brown is the first test-tube baby: she was created through / thanks to artificial / in-vitro fertilization. To conclude, it was a success / a new form of progress.

      Now, we can choose the baby’s eye and hair colours, prevent / avoid diseases like cancers or heart attacks. Moreover, we can select the gender, the brain and physical abilities / skills.

     So, you can design your baby. 

    Written by Bastien.



    - Lesson: You are a scientist leading a conference about in-vitro fertilization: tell about it

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  • Hey!


    To start with, you described the awareness campaign you had studied in class and completed it:


    At the bottom, I can see a caption: its role is to give information and to explain the picture .

    On the right of the caption , there a website.   

    The background is black . So, the picture is an awareness compaign.

    Written by Chloé


    You also worked on the analysis:

    - Symbol of colour(s)?

    - Target?

    - Aim / Goal? The campaign aims at V-ING / intends to BV


    Here is what you said about the main colour:

    The black is the symbol of / stands for / symbolizes death because if the child eats too much crips, she is going to die.

    Written by Chloé.


    To be continued...




    - Lesson

    - Analysis: finish completing your notes about the goal and the target

    - Activity Charities

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  • Hey!


    To start with, you described the awareness campaign you had studied in class:


    Then, using your notes, you analysed it.

    Here is what you said:

    The black colour symbolizes / stands for death because junk food can kill you.

    The target is everybody who eats junk food / junk food consumers.

    The awareness campaign aims at shocking people. Besides, it intends to make people stop eating junk food.

    Written by Thibaud



    - Lesson: analyse the campaign

    - Give your personal opinion: do you think the campaign is convincing / effective? Explain why.

    - Activity Charities

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  • Hey!


    Today, you started the unit with the document below:

    Then, you focused on the progress of in-vitro fertilization thanks to the following text:

    Here is what you said about it:

    On the front page/ cover of a newspaper, we can see the picture of a baby named Louise who is the first test-tube baby : she was created thanks to / through in-vitro fertilization.
    Thus, Louise is not an ordinary baby : she is the symbol of scientific progres.
    Nowadays, you can design / engineer your baby by selecting its genes.
    You can choose its physical appearance like its weight, height, hair colour and eye colour.
    You can create a baby who is super-resistant / immune to diseases, so, you can prevent them.

    Written by Houda.



    - Lesson: You are a scientist leading a conference about in-vitro fertilization: tell about it

    - Finish completing the lesson (gender / abilities)

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